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MEVC Foundation Urges House to Establish Select Committee on Electoral Reform, Consider Impact on Presidential Elections



MEVC Foundation Urges House to Establish Select Committee on Electoral Reform, Consider Impact on Presidential Elections


WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 3, 2024) – Elizabeth Cavanagh, Chair and CEO of the Making Every Vote Count Foundation (MEVC), issued the following statement in response to the introduction of H. Res. 1573, Establishing the Select Committee on Electoral Reform, by Representatives Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) and Jared Golden (D-ME):


MEVC welcomes the efforts of Representatives Gluesenkamp Perez and Golden to establish a Select Committee to seriously examine alternative methods of electing the House of Representatives, including increasing the size of the chamber, and ensuring the People’s House is more responsive to its constituents. These reforms would also go a long way toward ensuring the Electoral College—which in part reflects the number of House seats—more closely reflects the will of the voters in selecting the winner of presidential elections. We urge members on both sides of the aisle to pass H. Res. 1573 and ensure the Select Committee considers the important effects of House elections on our presidential election system when making recommendations for reform.


About Making Every Vote Count Foundation

MEVC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to educating the public about the weaknesses of the current presidential election system and possible reforms of that system. We believe that the outcome of a presidential election should reflect the will of the voters, not only because we believe in the principle that all votes should be equal but also because when presidential election outcomes do not reflect the will of the voters or are perceived not to, public distrust of our democracy follows. Visit our website at

2023 Year-End Update from the MEVC CEO & Chair of the Board

As we enter 2024—what may be the most critical year in our democracy—we offer a year-end update of our 2023 activities and emphasize our commitment to building a better future for our country and our presidential election system. This year-end update is on Making Every Vote Count’s (MEVC) ambitious plans, building on the achievements of 2023 and on the leadership role we have carved out for MEVC and its collaborating groups and individuals. We believe our role is to serve as objective assessors of the Electoral College system and how it works, as well as to draw attention and transparency to the harms it creates and to the reform proposals for improving it. MEVC is expanding its capabilities to deliver the groundbreaking insights that we have developed this past year.

Early in 2023, MEVC joined by collaborating groups and individuals, launched a two-pronged strategy to address the problems with our presidential election system and the Electoral College on which that system is based. One initiative has been to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the leading presidential election reform proposals. The other has been to broaden the base of Americans who are aware of and concerned about these issues, have a strong stake in them, and are willing to engage with them. MEVC has specifically identified and performed outreach to underrepresented groups and young voters as well as independent voters. These groups represent more voters than members of the two national parties combined.

In April 2023, MEVC hosted, with the Leadership Now Project, a well-received program on the harms and dangers of the Electoral College system and on reform options. Following that event, we assembled an active working group with considerable expertise and diverse views, who contributed to the preparation of a report outlining the ways in which our current system operates to distort our politics and thwart the will of the voters, as well as evaluating the leading reform proposals. We presented and discussed the working group's findings and plans at a September Zoom program with a select group of invitees, all deeply interested in these issues but not necessarily committed to a single reform option.

Since September 2023, MEVC has improved and expanded upon our Report on Improving Our Electoral College System, incorporating feedback from many organizations and including material on the impact of the Electoral College on underrepresented groups and young voters. In the face of many dangerous problems in our politics, we cannot lose sight of the fundamental structural issues that threaten our democracy and will continue to do so in 2024 and beyond.  

Elizabeth A. Cavanagh

Chair/CEO, Making Every Vote Count Foundation

MEVC’s September Report And Discussion On Presidential Election Reform

MEVC hosted a virtual program on September 13, 2023, as part of our ongoing effort to engage and collaborate with a diverse array of organizations and individuals. The first half of the program, led by Professor Alex Keyssar of Harvard’s Kennedy School, included a brief description of the harms and dangers of our presidential election system, followed by a summary of the working group’s assessment of the leading reform options.

The second half of the program focused on MEVC’s citizen outreach, engagement, and education initiative, and it included ideas about the kinds of materials that we and other attendees might share with our various audiences to revive and stimulate a national political conversation about Electoral College reform. If you would like to explore these topics in further detail, please watch clips from our event, copied below.

Assessment of the Leading Reform Proposals

Outreach: Youth

Outreach: Minority Voters

Outreach: Local Leaders

MEVC's April Event on the Harms and Dangers of the Electoral College System and Reform Options

Early in 2023, MEVC joined by collaborating groups and individuals, launched a two-pronged strategy to address the problems with our presidential election system and the Electoral College on which that system is based. One initiative has been to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the leading presidential election reform proposals. The other has been to broaden the base of Americans who are aware of and concerned about these issues, have a strong stake in them, and are willing to engage with them. MEVC has specifically identified and performed outreach to underrepresented groups and young voters as well as independent voters. These groups represent more voters than members of the two national parties combined.

In April 2023, MEVC hosted, with the Leadership Now Project, a well-received program on the harms and dangers of the Electoral College system and on reform options. Following that event, we assembled an active working group with considerable expertise and diverse views, who contributed to the preparation of a report outlining the ways in which our current system operates to distort our politics and thwart the will of the voters, as well as evaluating the leading reform proposals. We presented and discussed the working group's findings and plans at a September Zoom program with a select group of invitees, all deeply interested in these issues but not necessarily committed to a single reform option.

Ten Advantages of the Voter Choice Ballot Proposal to Achieve Urgently Needed Presidential Election Reform

  1. Voters readily understand the ballot:  A national poll with overweighting in Florida conducted in late February makes this clear.  The ballot remains the same as the current ballot, but asks one simple, additional question:  does the citizen want her vote to count for the winner of the national popular vote if her choice for president doesn’t earn the most votes nationwide.

  2. The reform can go into effect immediately without any other state taking action:  The benefit of allowing individual citizens to cast their votes in a manner that more accurately reflects their election priorities is desirable in itself.  In addition, if one state adopts it, it may appeal to citizens in other states and may motivate other states to adopt a similar system.  This is how the trail-blazing, national popular vote interstate compact got started in 2007.

  3. States can also adopt the voter choice ballot in contingent legislation, which would go into effect when another state that voted for the candidate of a different party in the previous election adopts reciprocal legislation (the “paired” approach):  If only Minnesota and Pennsylvania, for example, paired up in adopting the ballot, both parties would be forced to campaign to win the national popular vote, with Republican leaders and voters endorsing the compact and supporting broad adoption of the ballot.  As these arrangements grow in numbers, they would cause a shift from campaigns focused predominately on 5 to 10 swing states with only 20% of the country’s population to campaigns and choice of candidates who are responsive to the nationwide electorate with its far greater geographic and demographic diversity (see Hypothesis: The Ballot and the Republican Party, MEVC Blog here.)

  4. The ballot proposal can be effective in time for the 2024 presidential election:  Depending on the states that adopt the proposal in the next four years, it could affect the nature of the campaign in 2024 and whom primary voters and parties might nominate.  By becoming effective in only a few states by 2024, every vote across the country would count and count equally.

  5. Adopting the ballot proposal in even one or two states by 2024 can also pave the way for further reforms in 2028 and beyond:  It could have the effect of (a) more states adopting it between 2024 and 2028, (b) enough states adopting the compact and its overcoming Congressional and state and federal judicial challenges to become effective for the 2028 election, and (c) leading to the ultimate solution of a constitutional amendment. 

  6. If one state repeals its voter choice ballot system, no other state’s voter choice ballot system would automatically become ineffective, except in paired state arrangements:  Even under that scenario, the remaining state would not have to abandon the voter choice ballot.  It could seek another state to fill the vacancy or repeal its requirement for another state to pair with it.

  7. The voter choice ballot is less vulnerable to a state’s withdrawing from a pairing arrangement shortly before an election and less vulnerable to repeal when control of a state government shifts to a different party:  Volatility in a state’s basic election process undesirably creates uncertainty and confusion.

  8. The voter choice ballot is not aligned with any party; it enhances the opportunity of individual citizens to vote in accord with what they believe is best for their country, taking into account the circumstances of each presidential election:  Their state’s legislature is not in charge; nor are legislatures in other states.  Many citizens will appreciate the opportunity the voter choice ballot provides them with, even though they may not take advantage of it in every election or hardly any election.

  9. There are no constitutional or other litigation risks:  The ballot proposal cannot be held up because of questions about whether it requires Congressional approval.  Section II, Article 1 of the Constitution gives full responsibility to the states to conduct presidential elections as they desire.

  10. There may never be a better time than after this fall’s election to reform our increasingly dangerous presidential election system:  Regardless of the election’s outcome, members of both parties will be strongly motivated to adopt reforms.  The healthiest, least divisive, least polarizing, quickest and most lasting way to advance reform is if members of both parties in a single state or two or more states with different party allegiances contingently adopt the ballot proposal and thereby enhance the prospects of the compact’s becoming effective and even of a Constitutional amendment that replaces the electoral college system with a system where the candidate who earns the most votes nationwide becomes President.

    *    *    *

    Especially over the past two months, strong momentum has built in support of presidential election reform even, through less visibly, in Republican quarters.  There is also an emerging consensus that the path to achieving needed reform must be collaborative – open to new perspectives, new strategies and new ideas.  And finally there is a growing recognition that beginning in 2021 the reform movement must launch a broad and urgent action plan to seize this most auspicious point in recent history to achieve a goal that a clear and strong majority of Americans of all demographics has long endorsed.

    After the elections this November, both parties will assess its implications for the future.  At this point they should come to understand that, to win the presidency, they must appeal to enough voters to win the national popular vote.  Because this conviction will wane over time, reform efforts in as many states as possible must be launched as soon as possible. 


Hypothesis: The Ballot and the Republican Party

If the Ballot is adopted in only 2 states (Minnesota and Pennsylvania), and if Michigan reverts to its pattern in 4 of the last 5 elections and becomes a blue state, the Republican Party will be forced to adopt national popular vote.

Data: 210 “safely blue” state EVs. (Voted Dem in the last 3 election and carried by Clinton by at least 5% margin. N=18; 15 of 18 voted Dem in last 5 elections)

Michigan: 16 EVs

Minnesota plus Pennsylvania: 30 EVs.

Total: 256 EVs

To assure at least a tie, the Democratic ticket would need to win only the following:

Maine (2 of 4) (voted Dem in 5 of last 5 elections)

Maine (1 of 4) (Dem in 4 of last 5 elections)

NH (4) (Dem in last 4 elections)

Nevada (6) (Dem in last 3 elections)

*Note: Maine’s fourth electoral vote is part of the 210 “safe” votes.

An alternative path to assure at least a tie would be for NH to join the Minnesota/Pennsylvania pairing and for Maine and Nevada to adopt the Ballot through initiative or legislatively, followed by winning a referendum election in 2022, or to adopt the Ballot as a constitutional amendment through legislative referral.

To win the Electoral College vote, the Republican Party would need to do the following;

--win at least one of the above 13 Electoral Votes, plus,

--run the table on all of the following

Wisconsin (10)(Dem 4 :5)

Iowa (6) (Dem 3:5)

Florida (29) (Dem 2:5)

Ohio (18) (Dem 2:5)

North Carolina (15) (Dem 1:5)

Arizona (11)

Georgia (16)

Texas (38)

The above strategy would be politically challenging, If the blue trend continues, it would be foolhardy.  If North Carolina turned blue in 2022 and adopted the Ballot, or if Ohio adopted the Ballot by citizen initiative, the Republican Party would have no path to winning with a battleground state strategy.

The alternative strategy is to support national popular vote measures to assure that the election is decided on that basis, and then to compete on a level playing field for the national popular vote. The strategy has two parts.

First, the Republican Party would embrace the Interstate Compact. The Compact would easily reach 270 Electoral Votes and come into force. However, it is expected that the Compact will be challenged in the courts, and there is a genuine risk that it might be invalidated. If that happens, the Republican Party would face an election with the  above-mentioned dire prospects.

In addition, the Republican Party has no guarantee that the Compact will be in force. For example, if the Republican ticket is doing well in national polls in June, blue states  have the option of withdrawing from the Compact and preventing it from being in force, with the same dire consequences.

As Plan B, as an effective back-up for the Interstate Compact, and for its own protection, the Republican party could endorse the Ballot and work to implement it broadly. The greatest effectiveness and protections would be provided by adoption of the Ballot in battleground states, in states with divided government, as a state constitutional amendment, and through citizen initiative.  With the Ballot in effect in several key states, the winner of the national vote will always win the election; thus, there is no reason for either party to withdraw from the Interstate Compact.

Virtual Program on Presidential Election Reform, August 13, 2020


August 13, 2020, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM Eastern Time

(see below for registration instructions)

Are you concerned that the country’s current presidential election system:

  • does not count every vote equally;

  • does not assure that the candidate who earns the most votes nationwide becomes president;

  • results in elections being decided by 5 to 10 swing states, which means candidates and campaigns largely ignore 80% of the country’s population;

  • suppresses voter turnout;

  • sows widespread and ever-deepening distrust of the federal government, our election system and our political parties;

  • is a monument to our history of racism and remains a bulwark of systemic white supremacy and injustice?

Are you aware that the Constitution gives the authority and responsibility to the states to remedy the primary defect in the system—the state-created, winner-take-all battleground state system?

  • A constitutional amendment is not needed to change the state-created system and remedy these damages.

  • The remedy can and should be adopted by states and American voters.

Highlights of the Program include Ambassador Mondale; Ambassador Glassman; Jesse Wegman, author of the recently released Let the People Pick the President (2020) and member of the New York Times editorial board; Prof. Alex Keyssar, author of the soon to be released Why do we Still Have the Electoral College (2020) and Harvard Kennedy School historian; Jason Harrow, executive director of Equal Citizens; Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon; and Colorado Secretary of State Jenna Griswold.

Also speaking (Session 5) will be Dr. John Koza, founder and chair of the nonpartisan National Popular Vote and first author of Every Vote Equal (4th Ed. 2013). Dr. Koza has championed the national popular vote interstate compact since 2006.

In addition (Session 4), Reed Hundt, co-founder and chair of nonpartisan Making Every Vote Count (which has consistently endorsed the Compact), Chairman of the FCC from 1993-1997, member of the Clinton and Obama transition teams, and author most recently of A Crisis Wasted (2019) (identifying opportunities missed during the Obama transition), will report on a new reform proposal complementary with the Compact: Voter Choice Ballot.

A very well-funded group has put a proposal to repeal Colorado’s compact on its fall ballot and is widely outraising supporters of the Compact.  The Program will discuss how to bolster support for the Compact in this election.  See

*                      *                      *

Outline of August 13 Program on Presidential Election Reform

To register for the event, follow the link below and click on the green button. You will be prompted to enter your email address and name.

Moderator: Andrew Brown, partner, Dorsey &  Whitney

1:30 PM (Eastern Time)  - Welcome & Introduction

1:35 PM Session 1: Race and the Electoral College: origins; preserved by white supremacist regimes; continuing structural racial injustice

Featuring Jesse Wegman and Prof. Alex Keyssar

2:10 PM Session 2: The Electoral College: archaic, anti-democratic, vulnerable, divisive, and dangerous

2:20 PM Q/A

2:30 PM Session 3: Thought Leaders Reflect and Speak Out

Includes Ambassador Mondale, Ambassador Glassman, Jesse Wegman, Prof. Alex Keyssar, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, and Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

3:15 PM Q/A

3:30 PM Session 4: Incremental but Powerful Change: Voter Choice Ballot

Aligned with the Interstate Compact, elegantly simple, powerful, a new kind of direct democracy

3:55 PM Session 5: The Interstate Compact

Hear from the experts at National Popular Vote; learn the latest developments from Colorado and what you can do to help

4:20 PM Q/A

4:25 PM Closing Comments

*                      *                      *

Material to be archived by Making Every Vote Count and other co-hosts (at their discretion):

Video recordings of the Program

Written materials and links, including:

-  Chronology of Electoral College and White Supremacy

-  Links to resources on the Electoral College and systemic racism

-  Slides and handouts for Session 2

-  Voter Choice Ballot: Questions and Answers

- Paper: The Constitutionality of Citizen Initiative for Reforming the Presidential Election System

*                      *                      *

Co-hosts: Making Every Vote Count, Equal Citizens, Minnesota Citizens for Clean Elections, Minnesota Unitarian-Universalist Social Justice Alliance, Friends Committee on National Legislation and others.

We hope to talk to you at the August 13 program.

Reed Hundt, Making Every Vote Count Co-Founder, CEO, President

Jon Blake, Covington & Burling LLP, Counsel for MEVC

Voter Choice Ballot: Summary and Coordinated Strategy to Achieve National Popular Vote for President Reform

This is an introduction to an important new idea for Electoral College reform: the Voter Choice Ballot Proposal. Making Every Vote Count (MEVC) unveiled the Ballot Proposal in March of this year. Please see an April 10 Report on this blog for details.

 The Ballot Proposal is quite simple. In addition to casting a vote for president in the ordinary way, each voter is given the option of directing that her/his ballot be counted for the winner of the national vote, in the event the voter’s first choice does not win the national popular vote. Everything else stays the same.

The Ballot Proposal avoids partisan battles over whether states should change the rules for appointing electors from the state winner to the national popular vote winner. Instead, a state’s voters decide for themselves, individually, whether they support national popular vote for president by casting their votes for the national winner. If enough of them do, then the state’s electoral votes will go to the winner of the national popular vote. The Ballot Proposal is a profoundly democratic measure attuned to the will of the people in each election. 

As modest as this idea is, it could result in a fundamental change in the way presidential elections are conducted. For decades, substantial majorities of likely voters have been telling pollsters they believe the person who receives the most votes nationwide should be elected president. As for the Ballot Proposal, a national and Florida poll conducted in February of this year found that over 60% of likely voters—including majorities across the spectrum of party and demographics—favored having the option of voting for the winner of the national popular vote.

If only one or two battleground states with a significant number of electoral college votes adopted the Ballot, that could, as a practical matter, force candidates and parties to campaign for votes nationwide. The votes throughout the nation would count in determining the winner of the popular vote and thereby the outcome in the one or two key states that had adopted the Ballot.  Parties and primary voters, desiring to win the presidential election, would nominate candidates who would appeal to a broader pool of voters nationwide. Battleground state centered presidential politics would change to nation centered politics—which is what it should be.

The Ballot Proposal is completely aligned with the Interstate Compact. The April 10 Report spells out the points of fundamental agreement, the relevant differences and features which are mutually supportive.

The report also analyzes how the Ballot Proposal compares with the “two vote” system of the original Electoral College and with Ranked Choice Voting. The Ballot Proposal is intended to advance the national popular vote cause; currently, no other alternative voting system is designed for this purpose. The Ballot Proposal could be combined with Ranked Choice Voting, however, to reap the benefits of both systems. Importantly, a June 2020 analysis has shown that the Ballot Proposal allows Ranked Choice Voting results to be fully and easily integrated into a national popular vote election count in a way that does not give rise to the “discarded ballots” phenomenon that has been raised by some critics of Ranked Choice Voting.

Toward a Coordinated National Popular Vote Strategy

Over the past year, it has become clear that the national popular vote movement—and the Interstate Compact in particular—must be able to win referendum and/or initiative elections in order to succeed. Against that background, the following discussion examines the prospects for reform in 2021 and beyond. There are opportunities for a coordinated direct democracy strategy, and the Ballot Proposal could play a key role in building toward success.

1. Prospects for the Ballot and the Interstate Compact in 2021 and Beyond.—Legislation, Referendum and Initiative.

 The expensive and time-consuming efforts to move the national popular vote movement forward will be best devoted to battleground states, broadly defined. In the 2020 election, some of these states, such as Minnesota and Michigan, might change from divided government to Democratic Party trifectas. In these states the Interstate Compact, and the Ballot, which is fully aligned with the Compact, might be adopted through normal legislation—although in Michigan the reforms might need to be defended in a referendum election. In addition, the Ballot could be proposed in Democratic Party trifecta states that failed to adopt the Compact over the last two years: Virginia, Nevada and Maine. In Nevada and Maine these reforms might need to be defended in referendum elections. 

Thus, while there are various prospects for legislative wins, the national popular vote movement must prepare itself for referendum elections in many states. It is likely, moreover that many battleground states will remain under full or partial control of a Republican Party that currently is hostile to national popular vote. Some of those states, such as Florida, could be crucially important. The only way to advance either the Compact or the Ballot in such states will be through initiative campaigns.

2. The Relative Complexity of the Compact and Simplicity of the Ballot

 There is an obvious and inherent challenge in placing the Interstate Compact before the voters in a direct democracy election. The Compact is a complex idea that is not familiar to most voters. Indeed, in his wonderful new book, Let the People Pick the President: The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College (2020), Jesse Wegman quotes Dr. John Koza—founder of National Popular Vote organization—for the proposition that explaining the Interstate Compact requires 30 minutes of truly engaged conversation. To date, National Popular Vote has not been interested in launching initiative campaigns.

 The Ballot is far simpler than the Compact. Each voter is given the option of having her/his ballot counted for the winner of the national vote. Everything else stays the same. It is easy to describe, easy to understand. 

3. The Critical Colorado Referendum Election, and Implications for a Coordinated Direct Democracy Strategy Involving the Interstate Compact and the Ballot

The Colorado election this fall will be a serious test of how well the complex Interstate Compact fares in a popular election. Colorado legislatively adopted the Compact last year, and the referendum now seeks to overturn that law. One hopes the take-away from the election will be that the Compact fares extremely well and that previous skepticism about the viability of the Compact in direct democracy elections will be dispelled.. If the Compact is viable, the Ballot should be as well

 There could be important value in combining the two in an initiative campaign (or in a legislative effort), since each compensates for the other’s limitations. The Compact’s limitation is the fact that it may not take effect for many years. The Ballot’s limitation is that its results, although immediate, are indeterminate and undeterminable—it does not necessarily result in the winner of the national popular vote receiving the state’s electoral votes or being elected president. In tandem, however, the proposals (i) make the national popular vote as relevant as possible in the next presidential election and (ii) advance the time when the candidate who receives the most votes is assured of being elected president.

 Of course, joining the proposals in an initiative campaign would introduce its own element of complexity. One would want to poll carefully to evaluate whether that is a good idea.

What if the Compact does not fare well in the Colorado election? Because of the Ballot’s relative simplicity and direct appeal to grass roots democratic values, the Ballot might succeed in direct democracy elections even if the Compact does not.  And if the Compact does not succeed, the importance of the Ballot—a measure that will make the national popular vote as relevant as possible until the time when the Compact is in force—becomes self evident. Again, however, one would want to poll carefully before committing significant financial and human/volunteer resources to initiative campaigns. 

Even if the Compact does well in Colorado, and even if polling indicates joining the two proposals in an initiative campaign is viable, legal considerations might militate in favor of limiting initiative campaigns in the near term (prior to the 2024 election) to the Ballot Proposal.  Two criteria would support this limitation. First, following the example of law reform giants such as Thurgood Marshall and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and taking the long view, one begins in the near term with seemingly small first steps that will build to the ultimate objective. Second, in the face of Chief Justice Roberts’ dissent in the Arizona Legislature case and the subsequent shift in the Supreme Court’s makeup, one should make sure those steps leave as much room as possible for legislative action.

The Ballot fits these criteria perfectly. Under the Ballot, the legislatively-determined “manner” of “appointing” electors—state winner-take-all—is not changed one iota. Only one detail concerning the choices available to individual voters changes. The legislature, exercising its law-making function, controls everything else.  The Ballot is an ideal “test case” for establishing precedent that the initiative process is available to achieve effective presidential election reform.

National Choice Ballot.jpg

Listen to MEVC Board Member James Glassman discuss the National Popular Vote

James Glassman, a Republican member of Making Every Vote Count’s board who served in the George W. Bush administration, went on the RealClearPolitics podcast to discuss the problems with the Electoral College and what can be done to reform the system.

Listen here beginning at 22:40.

Presidential election reform is on the move. Want to keep up?


New MEVC Poll Finds that Voters Support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact; Believe Person who Gets the Most Votes Should be President

A new poll released by Making Every Vote Count today finds nearly two of every three likely voters (62%) support using the national popular vote to decide who the president should be. While previous polls have shown consistent support for using the national popular vote to select the president, this poll asks voters about a specific solution – the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (the Compact). The main reason for the overwhelming support: Americans think every vote should count equally.

Under the Compact, states agree to award their electors to the winner of the national popular vote once states with enough 270 combined electoral votes have enacted the Compact. This action will guarantee that the winner of the national popular vote also wins the Electoral College and becomes president. Four states have enacted the Compact in 2019, bringing the total number of jurisdictions in the Compact to sixteen (fifteen states and the District of Columbia) with a combined total of 196 electoral votes.

 The Compact goes into effect when the number of states that passed it account for a majority of the electors in the Electoral College, which means that additional states with at least 74 votes combined are needed. Then, then the Republic at last will have a truly democratic method of selecting the President – one in which every vote in the United States is weighed equally in the balance when deciding who most of the people want as the Chief Executive Officer of the government. This would be a fair system for all Americans.

Reed Hundt, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and co-founder of Making Every Vote Count said, “The American people disagree about many aspects of public life. However, they do actually agree on one problem: how we elect the president. They also agree that a national popular vote, ensuring every vote from every part of the country counts equally, is the solution. It’s time to make this common sense change.”

The survey of more than 800 Americans aged 18+ who are eligible to vote was conducted by Claster Consulting and commissioned by Making Every Vote Count. Respondents were weighted to represent the US citizen voting-age population – 53% women, 47% men; 70% white, 12% African-American, 11% Hispanic, 7% Asian-American; 18% age 18-29, 17% age 30-39, 19% age 40-49, 29% age 50-64, and 19% age 65+.

A summary of the results are highlighted here:

  • 71% of likely voters nationwide agree the candidate who gets the most votes nationwide should become president, including 88% of Democrats, 67% of Independents and 61% of Republicans

  • 65% of likely voters nationwide agree that we should change the rules so the candidate who wins the most votes nationwide always becomes president, including 82% of Democrats, 62% of Independents and 48% of Republicans

  • 62% of likely voters nationwide support using the national popular vote to select the president, including 79% of Democrats, 55% of Independents and 49% of Republicans

  • 60% of likely voters support their state joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, including 79% of Democrats, 54% of Independents, and 44% of Republicans.

For more information on the poll, click here.