Winner Take All

Parties Need More, Not Fewer Voters, To Thrive

Parties Need More, Not Fewer Voters, To Thrive

Both parties might be pleasantly surprised to learn that they have more to gain from courting every voter during presidential elections in not only Michigan, solidly blue until 2016, but also Mississippi, safely red in the current system.

Most Voters Favor Background Checks. 3-D Guns Bypass Them.

Most Voters Favor Background Checks. 3-D Guns Bypass Them.

94 percent of Americans responded that they supported background checks for all gun buyers. How would they feel about guns that can avoid them entirely?

Why Were Most Voters Left Out of the 2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections?

Why Were Most Voters Left Out of the 2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections?

Only in the 21st century did densification and polarization produce a situation in which each of the two major parties' candidates chose not to compete in a large number of states conceded to the rival.