MEVC's April Event on the Harms and Dangers of the Electoral College System and Reform Options — Making Every Vote Count

MEVC's April Event on the Harms and Dangers of the Electoral College System and Reform Options

Early in 2023, MEVC joined by collaborating groups and individuals, launched a two-pronged strategy to address the problems with our presidential election system and the Electoral College on which that system is based. One initiative has been to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the leading presidential election reform proposals. The other has been to broaden the base of Americans who are aware of and concerned about these issues, have a strong stake in them, and are willing to engage with them. MEVC has specifically identified and performed outreach to underrepresented groups and young voters as well as independent voters. These groups represent more voters than members of the two national parties combined.

In April 2023, MEVC hosted, with the Leadership Now Project, a well-received program on the harms and dangers of the Electoral College system and on reform options. Following that event, we assembled an active working group with considerable expertise and diverse views, who contributed to the preparation of a report outlining the ways in which our current system operates to distort our politics and thwart the will of the voters, as well as evaluating the leading reform proposals. We presented and discussed the working group's findings and plans at a September Zoom program with a select group of invitees, all deeply interested in these issues but not necessarily committed to a single reform option.
